Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What I Learned A Couple Days Ago

When you live with your teacher you don't get real snow days, you get delayed starts.  Also, when you live in the convent and the bishop says Sunday won't be a day of obligation due to weather circumstances, you still have communion service.

It's okay though because I got to sleep till 7:45 three days in a row. Thank you Jonas.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Another Angle

A lot of times in my posts, you get the perspective of the formation journey from me, however, in a conversation with Munchkin, we were talking about the formation journey from the Sisters' side.  Yes I'm here to discern whether I fit in Salesian life and if this is God's mission for my life, but it's also a time of discernment for the Srs.  As people in formation, we are inserted into the life of the Srs so that we can see what it is like and at the same time they see how we fit.  If there are major issues or signs the Srs. pick up that concerns them, they have to address the situation because if we are going to be living and working with them we have to be a fit for them as well.  We're on a trial run.  Formation is somewhat like a long interview process to become a Salesian, with you constantly asking questions to learn more and being put into a variety of situations that one can encounter as a Salesian.  To move on through formation each year, you have to write a petition to the provincial saying you would like to continue on in your formation.  When that time comes, the formator kind of guides the young women through the process, but if the Srs. don't think you're a fit you may be told you probably shouldn't write one.  Or there may be a situation where you are politely told Salesian life may not be the fit for you.

Bottom line, it is possible to get kicked out of the convent.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Convent Q & A

Thanks for your responses.  

Mrs. had a great question.  What exactly will I be doing over the next few years?  

Answer:  After finishing the school year out, I'll be coming back to 7th Heaven for another home visit.  After that, I'll return to the house I'm at now to help with the summer camp here. When camp is over we'll have a few weeks to get our stuff together and then my companions and I will head to a suburb of LA to start our year as postulants.  As postulants, we will be doing many of the same things we do here.  The classes however, will be a more direct preparation for the following two years of novitiate.  Around May/June 2017 we will all head home for a brief home visit before returning once again to New Jersey for summer camp.  When camp is over, this time we will head an hour north of where we are now to begin our first year in the novitiate.  During the two years as novices we will be taking college courses in theology so that at the end of the two years we receive a certificate in theology that allows us to teach theology courses or serve as a director of religious education.  Besides that our main ministry will be helping run a retreat center on the weekends.  As first year novices, we will be completing what is called our canonical year.  This means we will be cloistered for the year. Cloistered for us however is different than cloistered for other communities.  Although we won't be leaving the house for home visits or things like that, we will still be leaving the house to go teach religious education and attend college classes.  After spending a full calendar year in the novitiate, we will go home on a two week home visit. Upon return we will complete our novitiate taking more college classes and preparing for vows.  Then, God willing on August 5, 2019 we will be making our first vows. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Never Did I Ever...

Think I would be making a bet in the convent, but last night I was taken up on a bet by one of the Sisters in the house, Sr. BA.  Apparently this particular "game" is actually a rather common thing in the convent.  While eating almonds at supper I was told if you got a "twin" almond in the shell then you had to tell someone Bonjour Philipine.  Then that person takes one of the almonds and before eating them you set a time in which you must say Bonjour Philipine to the other person again.  Whoever says it then gets some form of prayers for the other person.  As it happened, right after explaining the whole thing to me, Sr. BA got the twin almonds and offered one to me.  So this morning after coming down to the dining room for breakfast, I had to say Bonjour Philipine to her first in order for her to offer her prayers and the mass she attends tomorrow for me.  Afraid I would forget since the whole thing was new to me another Sr. who had been sitting at the table reminded me before I came downstairs and made sure I knew what to say.  The whole having a prayer bet looming over your head can make you really paranoid while getting your breakfast ready.  The entire time I was getting my breakfast ready, I spent more time glancing over my shoulder and looking around for Sr. BA than actually looking at the things I was getting.  She finally showed up and, in case you were wondering, I won. It was very close and I was ready to call it a tie, but the Srs. who witnessed it declared me the winner.

It gets better though, not only were Sr.BA and I in this prayer bet, but the Provincial, who is currently visiting our house, and our Animator were also in one! (So basically the two Srs. in charge of my life right now were betting.)

Monday, January 4, 2016

Convent Q & A

Hello?  Everybody still there?  I know it's been a while.  Like everywhere else, the convent becomes a very busy place during the Christmas season with parties, Christmas programs, and last minute things before going on a home visit.  Once I got back to 7th Heaven the busy pace kept up and I was too busy soaking up every second of it to take a moment and blog.  Now after an entirely too short, but much needed two weeks spent at home I'm back at the convent.   With the New Year, I'm hoping maybe I'll get a little bit more of a routine in the posting, but we'll see what happens.  One thing I've learned in the last 4 months of convent life is nothing is set in stone, ever.

Today's question comes from Page Turner: Do you watch TV? Do you go to bed super early?

Answers:  Yes we do watch TV.  Every night after recreation we congregate in our study and either watch or listen to the news while doing other work.   On weekends, periodically we'll watch a movie. If you consider 10 early, then yes I do go to bed early. Bed time sort of fluctuates depending on the person.  Personally I try to be in bed by 10, some of my companions on the other hand are usually cramming in last minute homework at that time.   Sr. TK leaves it up to us to a point because she told us we need to be able to handle that sort of thing for ourselves so that we are getting enough rest to be able to function during the day.

And with answering Page Turner's questions, I believe I have gotten to everybody's questions from the last Reader Poll.  Once again, I ask you what you would like to know about life here in the convent? (I know some people had some questions they asked while I was home, but I've managed to forget them so if you could post them in the comments that would be fantastic. :) )