Monday, August 28, 2017

What I Learned

Bleach will turn knee highs an interesting yellow/cream color.

I guess I'll only wear that pair with closed-toe shoes now.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

What I Learned

When setting your alarm, it is of utmost importance to make sure you don't mess up the actual time otherwise the following conversation will take place.  

Knock on door.

Sr. B (my companion): Sr. Relish?
Me: Yes? (Half awake out of a dead sleep)
Sr. B: Um we were supposed to leave at 5:30.
Me (looking at clock): It's 4:37.
Sr. B: No. It's 5:30.

5 minutes later I was sitting in the van.  And that was after the Sr. in charge said we were leaving not a second after 5:30.... Whoops.  

Friday, August 11, 2017

They Call Me...

Sr. Relish.

Yep, as of last week I am officially called Sr.  It's taking some getting used to, but gradually it's becoming less weird to hear people put Sr. in front of my name.

August 2nd my companions and I entered deeper into our journey on the way to become Salesian Sisters.  We are now novices.  For the next two years we will be more completely living the life of a Sr. as we study the Constitutions of the Institute and the vows.  At the end of the two years, we will then make our first professions.

Oh and now we wear gray.  I've learned very quickly wearing an apron is critical.  Within 24 hours I managed to spill balsamic vinegar on it and then have to wipe it off immediately so it wouldn't stain.

Other fun things I've learned in my two weeks at the novitiate.

- Be careful when walking down hill. The rocks can move and you can almost sprain your ankle.
- I'm not allergic to poison ivy.  At least, I don't think so, but I don't want to test that theory.
- Double check your clock after setting your alarm to make sure it still has the correct time.

It's looking to be a very educational two years.