Saturday, August 23, 2014

What I Learned Today

Getting lost in the rain is not a fun time.   

Going along with that, I also learned umbrellas really do the turn inside out thing like in Mary Poppins and mine does not require wind to do so.


The Mrs. said...

Rain while trekking across a huge campus is no fun. Learn to walk with your umbrella in front of you or leaning into whatever direction the wind is coming from. It will help with the umbrella inside out flip significantly. Or, go with the raincoat. Looks kinda nerdy, but does struggling with a malfunctioning umbrella really look all that cool?

Also as a head's up, ice will become your biggest nemesis this winter. Prepare to be fully embarrassed in front of a 1)crowded bus stop or 2)in the middle of the quad as you lose all control of balance and grace and fall flat on your butt. Laughing at yourself helps if only slightly.

Relish said...

Thanks for the tips