Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What I Learned Today

I have ADD when I drink a Peach Mango energy drink.  Eventually it wears off though and I still have to study for my Anthropology 101 exam.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is that as bad as geology 101? woke up in class one day and I was the only one awake, including the instructor

Munchkin said...

What is an anthrop?

Relish said...

Anthropology is the study of human behavior/relations

Munchkin said...

just follow me around for a few days

Anonymous said...

Anthropology is the study of anthrops, just like craniology is the study of the cranium and rectumology is the study of the rectum. So what is study of cranial-recumology?

Munchkin said...

there are just too many options. i can't choose