Friday, September 16, 2016

Convent Skills

Turns out the Movie Moments may not happen every week because my life just doesn't produce that many movie worthy moments.  If I really sat and thought about it, I could probably actually come up with one, but I don't have that time and I haven't watched that many movies.

Instead I'm working on developing other skills here in the convent, like getting up, getting ready and being in church in less than 10 minutes. Thank goodness for Guardian Angels.  (I'm pretty sure mine works overtime all the time.) Sunday I had my alarm set for 5:50.  It went off and I shut it off.  6:26 I rolled over and realized I had 4 minutes until Mass started.  I was up and out the door by 6:31 and made it into the church by the time Father was starting the Kyrie Leison.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Movie Moment

This week's movie moment once again brought to you by my gardening chore.

We have this huge viney plant that has grown over the wall from the lady's yard who lives behind us and it was decided it needed to go because it chokes out other stuff on our trellis and it cracks to wall. So today, since I had some time in the morning to work on it I went out to attack the vine and take back the wall. When I came in to wash up before going to help the kids with lunch, my dear companion took a look at my face and started laughing. "Your face is so dirty! You look like one of those people from the Industrial Revolution or a chimney sweep."  So there you have it. The movie moment of the week is the chimney sweeps from Mary Poppins.

I looked in the mirror and I promise I did not look that dirty, but hey it was her interpretation.