Friday, September 16, 2016

Convent Skills

Turns out the Movie Moments may not happen every week because my life just doesn't produce that many movie worthy moments.  If I really sat and thought about it, I could probably actually come up with one, but I don't have that time and I haven't watched that many movies.

Instead I'm working on developing other skills here in the convent, like getting up, getting ready and being in church in less than 10 minutes. Thank goodness for Guardian Angels.  (I'm pretty sure mine works overtime all the time.) Sunday I had my alarm set for 5:50.  It went off and I shut it off.  6:26 I rolled over and realized I had 4 minutes until Mass started.  I was up and out the door by 6:31 and made it into the church by the time Father was starting the Kyrie Leison.


Munchkin said...

I promise, eventually getting up regularly at less than ideal hours gets easier. After several months of getting up at 4:20 for the gym, I got used to it.... keep in mind, I went to bed at 8:30 though.

The Mrs. said...

She's lying. I still hate waking up early.

Relish said...

Going to bed at 8:30 isn't part of reality here. I believe the Mrs. Most of the Sisters tell us the same thing. It doesn't actually get any better...