Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Never Say Never

People say all the time never say never because never is a long time.  Slowly but surely I'm beginning to see why.  You end up eating some humble pie.

As a child I said, "I'm never moving out." - I now live over 800 miles away from home...
In grade school I said, "I'm never going to be a teacher."  - I went to college as an education major and I entered an order where the primary ministry is teaching...
As an education major I said, "I never want to work with middle school, that'd be way too hard."  - Last year I taught 7th grade CCD and was in charge of the 13 year old boys for camp...
Prior to and after working with middle schoolers, I said, "I never want to work with any group younger than 1st or 2nd grade.  It takes a special type of person to handle those little ones."  - This summer I'm helping with the 4 and 5 year olds at camp...

I think God's just sitting up there waiting for me to say never again so He can laugh and say "Just wait."


The Mrs. said...

Me before kids: "I'll never use the TV as a babysitter"

Me after kids: "Why don't you go watch TV?"

There are countless more, but that one is at the top of the list.

Munchkin said... is on a daily basis when Jo does something...if I listen close enough.....I can hear Mom laughing