Monday, May 4, 2015

Congrats Wiiman

On making your First Communion today. You did great bringing up the gifts.
Don't he and G.G. look nice?

Side note: I appreciate Mrs. S took some candids of us trying to get organized for a picture.


The Mrs. said...

It's a close race between her and The Charmer, but Star takes the cake for most awkward smile attempt.

I tried getting a picture of Reuben looking so handsome, but in the time it took me to get my phone out he decided to run upstairs to change. Um, I do not need another picture of you in a Mario shirt, dude.

Munchkin said...

She's totally smiling with her eyes in the second to last one

you can call me Al said...

This is proof that having your picture taken can be painful ;)

The Bride said...

This is hilarious!!!

Ps. Sorry I'm a newcomer to this clearly EPIC blog!!!