Thursday, August 25, 2016

Movie Moment

This morning during Mass the Windex commercial got real.  A bird had flown into the church and was unsuccessfully trying to get out.  Just as Father was starting the Eucharistic Prayer, the bird flew right into one of the windows and fell down to the ground.  Father looked over and just kept on going, but two of the parishioners got up to check it out and the bird got up and flew away from them.

Sidenote: Due to the bird, we also had a cat in church this morning.  (The priest have a cat, Dora, for mouse catching purposes.)  It saw the bird go in the church and wanted to catch it.  People were not a fan though so I got to catch Dora and take her back outside.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Movie Moments

Inspired by my current living situation, I've decided to have a new series of posts.  I'm going to try to keep them weekly, but with my schedule and the way convent life seems to go, there may be a few weeks that get missed.  Also, it's going to depend on inspiration.  Hopefully I'll get a little Divine Inspiration to help me out.

So I give you Movie Moments. We'll count my last post as the first one of the series since it referenced movie/TV characters that my life was reflecting in the moment.  The second movie moment is Weezer from Steel Magnolias.

I am not an old southern woman, but my current chore for the month is taking care of the gardens around our house and the other day during lunch assistance in order to provide myself with a little shade I borrowed a large, funny hat from the gardening supply/tool closet. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

What I Learned Today

Apparently getting ready to move across the country turns my life into a movie and a sitcom. This morning I went to finish up some packing and turned on the radio in my room, California Gurls by Katy Perry was playing and it was immediately followed up by a Billy Joel song that started out talking about some guy who moved to the west coast south of LA.  I felt like the character in the movies who turns on the radio and every song is something about what's happening in said character's life.  Later today, one of my companions and I were cleaning and she was like "Wow I'm impressed Relish." (I was questioning if she thought I don't normally do a thorough job." Then I realized that I was cleaning extra vigorously as a coping mechanism and 20 seconds later realized at one point I had been told that my mom does something similar. After declaring, "I'm turning into my mom. We clean to cope and like teaching junior high kids," My mind immediately jumped to the Reba episode where Van and Cheyenne decide eventually you turn into your parents.  Stay tuned to see if any more of this moving adventure turns my life into a TV production.

Monday, August 1, 2016

That Awkward Moment...

When your're standing at the pharmacy window picking up your antibiotic and the tech asks you to put in your phone number and you get it wrong twice so he asks if the number sounds familiar and then rattles off the number you were sure wouldn't be correct.

At least he still gave me the antibiotic.

I miss my pharmacist.