Wednesday, July 30, 2014

College Dorm Shopping: The Aunts Edition

As I get older and reach various stepping stones in my life, my aunts graciously volunteer their time to help prepare me.  The first adventure they embarked on was prom dress shopping my junior year.  I mean I am sure there have been many other adventures one or more of them have helped with but prom dress shopping is just the one that really sticks out in my head.

Once again, last night three of my four aunts readily volunteered their time, after work of course for Munchkin, piled into the Red Bus, and drove around BloNo on the great search for the perfect items to decorate my first home away from home.

I have to give them props.  I am possibly on the list for the world's most indecisive people, which was quite evident last night.  It wasn't until the third stop of the evening that I finally began to pick items up to go into my room.  After a return to trip to Target, triggered mostly by the fact that they have a snack bar and we were getting hungry waiting for Munchkin to get off work, another stop at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, a refueling break at Olive Garden, a quick run through of the mall, a repeat of WalMart, and it was declared that I had a vast majority of the articles I would need to survive the dorm life.

Thanks to Mrs. MC, The Bride, Munchkin and AL for helping me get the stuff for my room.  Next step getting it all in my room...

*Side note:  I'm sure The Mrs. would have loved to join us on our adventure, completing roll call, however, it seems that her friends always have more important places for her to be whenever we decide to go.