Saturday, October 24, 2015

Niece of the Bride

Over the last 19 years, I've had the privilege of being niece of the groom three times, today for the first time I get to be the niece of the bride.  This morning due to side effects from early morning convent wake ups and sheer excitement for the day I woke up kind of early and was thinking about this post.  As the post was formulating in my mind, I had scene much like the flashback scene George Banks has, old pictures of Munchkin through the years rolling through my head as I contemplated whether not to get up.

You see I'm very lucky, because eight days after her 10th birthday Munchkin gave up her spot as the youngest member of the family when I entered the world.

From the start, she was the coolest person I ever knew.  She was one of my first playmates and babysitters and as I got older I quickly wanted to be just like Munchkin.

Even before I knew I started copying her fashion statements. (She was a Pepsi box one year before I was.)

Eventually the copying of her fashion statements was on purpose and I had to have a red polo and brown sandals because that's what Munchkin wore.  I had to have my hair pulled up in a bun because that's how Munchkin wore her hair.  I wanted braces because Munchkin had braces and therefore that was cool.  When I got to fourth grade and had to pick an instrument out for beginner band, I wanted to play trumpet because that's what Munchkin played in her band.  When I started playing sports, I wanted number 25 because that was Munchkin's number.  And through it all, she willingly let me follow her around, played countless and endless games, dutifully playing dress up and house and a million other things I'm sure as a teenager she would have rather not, she patiently let me dress just like her, and kindly handled the greeting she got for many years of "I'm almost taller than you." and then having to be inaccurately measured by my younger self. Munchkin was easily the coolest babysitter ever always making frozen pizza (sometimes dropping it in the oven, remember that Munchkin?) and chocolate milk and hands down the she was the funniest person I'd ever met.  

Then one day she graduated high school and she was moving very far away to college. I cried when she moved away because Munchkin was going to be so far away and then I started counting down until she would be home again.  Months before her college graduation she once again was awesome and made a flying trip home to be my Confirmation sponsor.  It was literally a flying trip complete with the state trooper's certification as such. 

Needless to say it was the best day ever when Munchkin decided to move five minutes away from our house.

End walk down memory road.  

Thank you Munchkin for being so cool, funny, patient, and wise.  For going from being my babysitter to one of my very good friends.  Today is such a very exciting day and I couldn't be happier for you.  

Welcome to the family, Jeti.  We're a little crazy, sort of loud, and a whole lot of there for each other at the drop of a hat.  I'm sure you know that though, because you're getting the life of our party and a very special person. 

I wish you both all the happiness in the world on your special day. Please appreciate this well wishes right now, because after being the errand runner and dog sitter/taxi/walker later I may have other thoughts on this day.