Monday, November 9, 2015

Convent Q&A

I didn't realize I answered AL's question twice, sorry about that.  On to the next question. This question comes in from Anonymous: "What made you enter the convent."

Answer:  The short answer for this question would be to simply say God.  However it was a much more in depth process to get here.  God has a plan for each one of us and it is our job to discover what that is and then to live it out to the best of our ability.  I hadn't really put a lot of emphasis on allowing God to show me His plan for my life until I was at college.  At college I was surrounded by a lot of very devout young people and I opened myself up to listening to God.  During a retreat I felt God really nudging me towards religious life so I talked to the assistant spiritual director who just happened to be one of the Salesians.  She started accompanying me through the discernment process after that. A few months later, I had a very powerful moment in adoration and felt God calling me at that particular moment to leave college to enter the convent.  Although I was very happy at college and loved my life there, I knew that if I didn't follow what I was being called to I would never have peace.  When we are living the will of God we are filled with an inner peace from the Holy Spirit which helps us to become the best versions of ourselves and work for the glory of God. Entering the convent is me going into deeper discernment of my vocation and trying to find where it is that I may be filled with God's peace and therefore work all for His glory.

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