Thursday, January 21, 2016

Another Angle

A lot of times in my posts, you get the perspective of the formation journey from me, however, in a conversation with Munchkin, we were talking about the formation journey from the Sisters' side.  Yes I'm here to discern whether I fit in Salesian life and if this is God's mission for my life, but it's also a time of discernment for the Srs.  As people in formation, we are inserted into the life of the Srs so that we can see what it is like and at the same time they see how we fit.  If there are major issues or signs the Srs. pick up that concerns them, they have to address the situation because if we are going to be living and working with them we have to be a fit for them as well.  We're on a trial run.  Formation is somewhat like a long interview process to become a Salesian, with you constantly asking questions to learn more and being put into a variety of situations that one can encounter as a Salesian.  To move on through formation each year, you have to write a petition to the provincial saying you would like to continue on in your formation.  When that time comes, the formator kind of guides the young women through the process, but if the Srs. don't think you're a fit you may be told you probably shouldn't write one.  Or there may be a situation where you are politely told Salesian life may not be the fit for you.

Bottom line, it is possible to get kicked out of the convent.


Anonymous said...

..and they send you off to be a governess!!

Unknown said...

Laughing so hard!

Unknown said...

Love the new colors!!

Munchkin said...

I was completely shocked by that piece of information

The Mrs. said...

Whoa. This journey just took a high stakes turn! Now I know why YOU were the one out shoveling in the aftermath of Jonas. Good call, Rach.