Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ready or Not...

Here it is.  In less than eight hours, I start the adventure they call college.  I spent the better part of the afternoon/early evening packing up my stuff into the easy to carry containers recommended by the dorms and now it is all sitting in the back of the Red Bus waiting for the morning.

While packing, I had to explain to Star exactly what I was doing and where I was going.  Her almost four year old brain hasn't quite grasped the concept of college as shown by the following conversation.

Star:  Why are you packing all of this stuff?  Is it to go to college? (emphasis on the o)

Relish: Yep.

Star:  Why do you have to take a pillow? Are there beds at college?

Relish: I have to take it because I'm going to stay there.  Yes, they have beds there so people can live there.

Star: Oh.  Are you going to stay there for a long time?

She's making me miss her already...


Munchkin said...

That conversation breaks my heart....

patten004 said...

Mine, too. :(.

The Mrs. said...

I thought I was done crying for today but there the tears are again.

you can call me Al said...

and now she refers to you as "my college sister, Relish"

Relish said...
