Thursday, August 21, 2014

What I Learned Today

The people dancing to music in the street who start clapping and cheering as you pull up to the dorm are a bit overwhelming, and they might make you want to lock the car door and never get out.

You really don't have to pick up a single box to carry it up to your room when you move into Newman Hall.

BOTD will suggest to buy every single item in the snack aisle at WalMart.

When you're really hungry it doesn't matter how gross the pizza is the dorm gives you for supper.

Oh, and my dorm looks pretty good all set up if I do say so myself.

This particular picture doesn't show the whole thing and I wasn't done decorating at this point, but it's really coming together. 

Maybe Newman Hall will become the home they've been welcoming me to all day.


Munchkin said...

That pizza tastes way better at 3am.

you can call me Al said...

Yeah! I can't wait to see it all decorated. (I think BOTD didn't know if he should lock the doors or drive away.)